Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome
Dysplastic nevus syndrome is also known as atypical mole syndrome. It can describe unusual moles and multiple types of melanoma. This condition is usually inherited and comes from someone in the family. The condition is determined by several things:
Two or more clinically atypical moles or nevi
Screening for dysplastic nevus syndrome usually begins around 10 years of age by examining all of the skin on the body. Pancreatic cancer has been found to link with dysplastic nevus syndrome and so patients are advised to screen for that also.
Dysplastic Nevus Removal Before looking into dysplastic nevus removal, patients are taught how to self examine their existing moles and to recognize if they are getting worse. If someone has atypical moles they should stay away from UV rays tanning beds and sun exposure as much as possible. When it is impossible to not go out in the sun they must use sunscreen with a protective factor of at least 30.
Dysplastic nevus removal is necessary when an atypical mole has developed into a malignant lesion. Well the removal of the moons does not always guarantee that the development of melanoma will completely stop, changing lesions must be removed.
Before undergoing dysplastic nevus removal, The patient will probably have to have a biopsy done in order for the cells to be examined first. Even the best dermatologist can tend to be a little hesitant about operating on atypical moles for various reasons and wants to be sure that they are a danger and not a benign mole.
The actual removal is done by numbing the area around the mole in order to shave it or cut it off. Depending on the size of the mole, you may have to have a couple of stitches.
When to See a Doctor
Dysplastic nevi do not always development melanoma. Well those that have it already higher risk it does not mean it’s going to happen. You just have to keep an eye on the moles and make sure they are not changing. Here are some things to look out for:
- When a mole is not the same on both sides.
- When a mole has a blurry border line.
- When a mole is different shades of black, brown, white, red or blue.
- Went a mole is larger than a pencil eraser.
- When a mole changes its size, shape or color over time.
- When new moles develop
- When a mole bleeds or itches or is painful
. If you were experiencing any of the above symptoms may be a good idea to ask a dermatologist to take a look. There is usually nothing to worry about and the fact is, they probably are fine but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Most moles are harmless and need nothing done to them but a dermatologist will be able to tell if a mole looks suspicious. If it does, then he will know the steps to take to check everything out.
Do Not Panic
More than anything, remember that there is no reason to panic or worry about something that hasn’t happened. If your doctor has not told you that your moles are anything to be concerned about, then you can stop thinking about them. Of course, you want to be careful in the sun and under UV rays but there is no reason to be exaggerated in your concern. We can tend to be a little neurotic when it comes to our own health at times but the best thing to do is take care of our skin and bodies and trust our doctors when they tell us something. Doctors are trained and experienced in ways that we will never be and there is a reason why they are there. Let them do their job by informing us and helping us and educating us on what we should do.