In the last century, advances in science have provided insights into many skin issues. And when the average person has over 300 million skin cells, that’s a lot of skin to learn about. Despite modern medical advances, there are still myths that persist about different skin conditions. Let’s bust a few of them.
Acne Is Caused By Chocolate and Fatty Foods
Despite affecting between 40 and 50 million people, acne remains one of the most misunderstood skin issues. There have been different theories and misconceptions about the condition. One is that it is a result of consuming lots of chocolate or fatty foods. Acne occurs when sebum, a naturally occurring substance on the skin, mixes with bacteria and dirt to clog pores. As a result, blackheads and whiteheads can form. If you want to avoid exacerbating your acne, avoid rubbing or poking your skin when washing your face. In addition, it could be a good idea to start using salicylic acid to help keep your pores clear.
Poor Hygiene Causes Rosacea
Rosacea is another skin issue that the average person tends to misunderstand. While symptoms of rosacea include redness and small whitehead-like bumps across the skin, rosacea actually has nothing to do with acne or with skin hygiene. In reality, rosacea is an autoimmune skin issue that affects the blood vessels. Fortunately, there are multiple treatment programs for rosacea that can be quite effective in managing the condition. Just don’t mistake this autoimmune disorder for acne, which needs to be treated in a completely different manner. As long as you see a dermatologist instead of self-diagnosing, you should be on the path to receive proper treatment for rosacea.
Varicose Veins Result from Crossing Legs
One common misconception about varicose veins is that they appear after crossing legs for long periods of time. Fortunately, there is no evidence to prove that theory. Varicose veins occur when there is pressure buildup in the blood vessels. When valves in blood vessels can no longer work effectively, the veins start to swell. There is a hereditary element to varicose veins, so it’s a good idea to check your family’s medical history if you’re concerned about developing this skin issue. That said, there are also a few risk factors that may predispose you to the condition, including:
- Obesity or extended periods of inactivity
- Trauma in the legs from an injury
- Smoking cigarettes or tobacco
- Use of oral contraceptives
- Pregnancy or hormone therapy
Tanning Is Beneficial for Your Health
The opposite is actually true. Tanning has been directly linked to the development of skin cancer. While moderate exposure to sunlight with sunscreen on can boost the production of Vitamin D, you should never go out with the express purpose of tanning. This means you should avoid tanning salons, as well. If you really want a sunkissed glow, take care to use tinted moisturizers or a self-tanning cream. Risking skin cancer for a bit of color on your skin definitely isn’t worth it.
There are countless skin issues that could cause you strife. The most important thing you can do if you’re experiencing skin issues is to see a doctor. If you’re struggling with a skin issue and you need to see a dermatologist, contact your local dermatologist today.