After decades of a failed War on Drugs, the American public is finally waking up to the need for comprehensive addiction treatment reform. Unfortunately, the world of politics has been slower to catch on, with many politicians completely dependent on a “Tough on crime” approach to drug abuse. At the same time, a horrifying heroin and opioid addiction epidemic has spread from coast to coast.
In every small town, suburb, and city in the country, drug treatment centers, emergency rooms, and police departments are reporting a sharp increase in heroin and opioid dependency. If you or someone you love is suffering from drugs like Heroin or painkillers, then there are a number of different opioid dependence treatment options available.
Understanding the Different Opioid Dependence Treatment Options
First, many heroin addicts will require inpatient heroin addiction treatment to manage their acute phase of withdrawal. For many addicts, the journey to recovery starts at an inpatient recovery program. These can range from week-long programs to 90-day programs (and sometimes longer). However, for people who lack insurance, and for those exiting inpatient rehab facilities, more opioid dependence treatment options are needed for success in sobriety.
That’s why many recovering addicts transition to outpatient treatment programs. Usually, these outpatient treatment centers combine group and one-on-one therapy with a form of medication treatment.
To combat the heroin epidemic, a new standard of care is emerging among the small number of opioid dependence treatment options. A medication called Suboxone has already helped countless addicts turn their life around. Unlike methadone, which provides a powerful high of its own, Suboxone offers addicts a way to reduce cravings and block the effects of opioid drugs. That’s why Suboxone treatment centers are one of the most popular choices for the treatment of heroin addiction in the United States.
In many cases, Suboxone doctors are the only thing keeping recovering addicts from relapse and ruin.
Still others find ongoing support from 12 Step groups like Narcotics Anonymous. And as any NA or AA member will tell you, without the right treatment program, there’s only three possible options — jails, institutions, or death.