Three Ways to Find Relief From Back Pain


One of the most common ailments people face is back pain. In fact, a good percentage of the population has probably suffered from back pain at one point in their lives. Several things can cause back pain, including lifestyle triggers like not exercising and slouching at the desk. Most people do not worry about back pain until the problem becomes severe. However, just like any other illness, early treatment improves the chances of recovery. That is why you should look up chiropractors in your area when you start experiencing any discomfort.

If you always have lower back pain, you may have arthritis of the spine. This is a condition that leads to pain and swelling and needs immediate attention from a doctor. Some common arthritis back pain symptoms include stiffness in the spine, headaches, a grinding feeling when you move, and general body weakness and fatigue. When you experience such symptoms, you need to see a doctor. An orthopedic surgeon will recommend arthritis pain in lower back treatment depending on how severe the issue is. In some cases, the doctor will prescribe medication to relieve the pain. The doctor may also recommend some exercises, a change in diet, or reduced physical activities. The goal of treatment is to control the pain, improve back function, reduce joint damage and ensure you can continue living a good quality of life.


Treatment for sports injuries

In the United States, $13 billion in revenue is generated each year in the chiropractic industry according to IBIS World research. Americans are obviously in need of joint and muscle pain relief, especially as it relates to the back. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to manage back pain. Although, due to the individuality of the way that people experience symptoms, and the different effects that different treatments have on different conditions, finding that one perfect treatment can prove to be very difficult. Depending on recommendations from a healthcare provider, you might find that spine pain management, physical therapy, or spinal manipulation will work for your condition.

Spine Pain Management

Spinal pain, more commonly perceived as back pain, can benefit from a multitude of practical pain management techniques. Here are several popular treatments.

  • Acupuncture treatment
  • Stimulators
  • Injections
  • Hypnosis
  • Massage
  • Medication

Did you know that according to the NCBI, approximately 2.13 million Americans have recently used acupuncture? These techniques are intended to bring relief from symptoms of back pain while other treatments address the root cause, but in some cases they may also help to speed the healing process as is sometimes the case with acupuncture.

Physical Therapy Exercises

It is a common misconception that physical therapy is only used for athletes that require sports injury rehabilitation. While it is true that there are chiropractic sports specialists, and that many athletes require physical therapy and chiropractic treatment, non-athletes can benefit from the same exercises and treatments. Joint and muscle pain relief tends to come as a result of strengthening the muscles in the back, and improving flexibility. Not only do the appropriate exercises bring pain relief, but they can help prevent the recurrence of back pain. These exercises might involve doing wall squats, ankle pumps, and straight leg raises, among other routines, to slowly rehabilitate the joints and muscles.

Spinal Manipulation

Did you know that spinal manipulation is one of the more effective sciatica treatments available? In a study reported in the October 2010 Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics researchers revealed that 60% of patients receiving spinal manipulation found similar benefits as those that had undergone surgical treatments. You can consult with orthopedic doctors or find a chiropractor licensed to make manual adjustments to the alignment of your spine if this course of treatment has been recommended.

Chiropractors are actually a common authority on joint and muscle pain relief, as they can treat chronic back pain, joint injuries, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, and even tension disorders, stress disorders, and migraines. If you are experiencing joint and muscle pain in association with your back, then it is important to consult with a professional chiropractor or orthopedic doctor to learn if either pain management, physical therapy, or spinal manipulation could prove to be an effective course of action. More can be found here.


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