Finding out you have a form of cancer is scary. What treatment options are available to you? What are your chances of beating this sudden and debilitating illness? Recent medical advances have made not just diagnosing cancer, but beating cancer, easier than ever before. A prostate cancer cure is done through ongoing proton cancer treatment methods, targeting the relevant tumors and whittling them down bit-by-bit. For those that want to know about their options or are simply wondering as to more advanced cancer treatment options, continue reading below.
Rates Of Cancer In America
There are many forms of cancer in the United States. Lung cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer are among the most common. The former sees widespread prevalence due to indoor air pollution being the highest it’s ever been for years, supported heavily by lackluster household chemicals, poor air ventilation and lack of awareness about naturally occurring gases such as radon. Rates of cancer can also see genetic sources. Beam radiation is one such method that has seen increasing success for those looking for a prostate cancer cure.
Medical Advances Across The Country
How are medical advances making a prostate cancer cure more viable than ever? A major source is the widespread accessibility to basic clinics. The beginning of 2015 saw over 30 particle therapy centers, with a total of 80 treatment rooms, going under construction around the world. There are many prostate cancer options available in each one, as well as treatments for breast cancer and lung cancer. These include non-invasive cancer treatment methods alongside more conventional surgeries.
Radiation And Beam Treatments
A successful prostate cancer cure often relies on the support of proton beam radiation. Studies have only continued to prove proton therapy’s effectiveness in getting to the root of the illness. Prostate cancer patients treated with this method have a notably reduced risk of impotence, with over 90% of patients reporting they still remain sexually active after proton therapy. Proton therapy also decreases radiation doses next to gastrointestinal structures nearly 60% compared to traditional x-ray systems.
General Long-Term Recovery
Significant concerns about cancer treatment is the potential for a relapse. Researchers have found an astonishing 99%, 94% and 75% of men treated with proton therapy low, intermediate and high risk prostate cancer, respectively, showed no recurrence after five years. Proton therapy’s unique radiation methods stops at very specific points in the targeted tissue, with more conventional radiation continuing well beyond the tumor. Similarly, breast cancer sees no radiation toward the heart on average and much healthier patients years after the fact.
The Development Of A Prostate Cancer Cure
Whether you’ve recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer or are worried about what the future may hold, your cancer treatment therapy has options. The average treatment session takes around 15 to 45 minutes. The actual time spent delivering each proton to the tumor, however, is only one to two minutes. Proton beam radiation is proven to have not just higher success rates, but a more positive long-term effect on the rest of the body during recovery. Medical advances only get better year after year. Apply for a simple check-up at your local cancer treatment center this year and give your health a headstart.