Balding is incredibly common among men and women alike, with up to 35 million men going through some stage of hair loss in the United States alone and around 20 million women suffering from the same thing. Though women do experience significant hair loss for a number of different reasons, it is more commonly men that will undergo the process of losing their hair, as male pattern baldness accounts for up to 95% of hair loss in men – and more than 80% of all adults who are losing their hair understand that the cause of their hair loss is a genetic one (as opposed to an environmental one, though various environmental factors can certainly still play a role).
The process of balding in men is so common, in fact, that more than 60% of all men in the United States will be losing their hair by the time that they reach the age of 35. And by the time that they reach the age of 50, up to 85% of all men will have had a visible loss of hair, though the extent of this hair loss will certainly vary from man to man. And hair loss is not always easy.
Many men and women alike deal with a high level of emotional distress regarding the loss of their hair, particularly as the process of hair loss begins to accelerate. In fact, research has found that nearly half of people who have lost their hair (even just partially) would be willing to spend all of their savings just to have a full head of hair again. In addition to this, surveys also show that more than half of people losing their hair (up to 60% of them, to be a little bit more precise) would rather have their hair back than have their money or even their friends.
Fortunately, treatment for hair loss at the hands of a skilled hair loss doctor can bring back the hair of those who are currently suffering from balding. There are a number of hair loss treatments out there, but the hair transplant is perhaps one of the most popular options. Hair transplant surgery has become quite successful – and has been developed to produce natural distribution, natural results, and a relatively complication free recovery period. For many people, hair transplant doctors can provide new hope in the battle against hair loss.
But how does hair transplant surgery really work? To put it simply, it involves using a donor area of the scalp to transplant hair to an area where balding is prominent or even just beginning. This donor area of the scalp should still be growing hair fully, as this is what makes a donor area of the scalp ideal for being a donor area of the scalp in the first place, of course.
In a Follicular Unit Extraction procedure (also known as a FUE procedure), the hair that is harvested from the donor area of the scalp is harvested from the donor area of the scalp by taking out naturally occurring groups of hair. As opposed to previous methods, where taking a strip of scalp from the donor area of the scalp was necessary, the FUE method of hair transplants is much more ideal, as it leaves behind no scar and has a much lower chance of leading to complications like infection over the healing period. For many people, the FUE hair transplant provides an incredibly natural look, one that is nearly indistinguishable – if not totally indistinguishable – from a natural head of hair.
Of course, if one is not up for a surgical procedure, there are other methods of treating hair loss. Medications, for example, have shown some success in treating hair loss, though not as much success as hair transplant surgeries. Micro pigmentation of the scalp is another option, though it only really conceals hair loss instead of reverses it or prevents it. However, if hair loss is relatively minor, this process of micro pigmentation might ultimately be the best option that is readily available to the person in question.