How to Treat Eczema in Adults


Life with eczema

Thanks to media portrayal, everyone has a set standard for what defines beautiful, healthy skin. Yet many Americans deal with skin ailments such as acne, scaring, dry skin, and other, more devastating skin conditions. Those suffering from atopy are hyperallergenic and can suffer from eczema, asthma, and hayfever. Although mostly found in children, eczema in Adults affects up to 17.8 million American adults every year.

Skin Conditions
Eczema is commonly mistaken for another complication that causes dry, red skin, Red Skin Syndrome. Like eczema, Red Skin Syndrome is determined to stem from atopy in up to 95% of patients. Topical corticosteroids (TCS) can actually make Red Skin Syndrome worse; experts suggest discontinuing use of the TCS for at least two to four weeks. Patients with Red Skin Syndrome also found that wearing 100% cotton clothing can help decrease discomfort. Experts do not suggest topical steroid treatment for those suffering from Red Skin Syndrome, as these creams can ultimately make the condition even worse over time. As always, a dermatologist or some medical expert ought to always be consulted in the case of a breakout.

Steroid Treatments and Dangers
Eczema in adults has been treated for the last fifty years using topical and systematic corticosteroids. TCS can come in several classes ranking from class 1 (superpotent) to class 7 (low potency). In addition, different parts of the body absorb steroids differently; the eyelids and groin absorb the most. In some patients, topical steroid addiction symptoms can develop in as early as four to six weeks after frequent use. Recovering from topical steroid withdrawal can take anywhere from six months to three years depending on the length of use and potency of the cream in question. Consider your treatment options if you too have been diagnosed with adulthood eczema.

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