What Happens During Your First Orthodontist Appointment


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Going to see an orthodontist can cause some people to get anxious. It’s normal to feel a bit nervous, especially if you haven’t been to an orthodontist before. However, there’s nothing to really be afraid of. Orthodontists are here to help improve your health and smile! This video explains exactly what to expect during your first orthodontic treatment.

The very first appointment is known as the orthodontic consult. The doctor will guide you through some paperwork and get x-rays done of your jaw and teeth. The orthodontist will then take a look at your teeth and help you understand what needs to be done, how long it will take, and what your insurance will cover.

It’s helpful to come up with some questions prepared. What are the things you’re most concerned about? Evaluate before your appointment and make a mental or physical list of questions that will help you feel more comfortable. Remember, everybody is different so the doctor and you will need to work together to find the best plan for you.

The patient is ultimately in control (unless they’re a minor). The orthodontist’s job is to tell the patient what the pros and cons are to each plan. For more information, check out the video above.


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