Should I Get A Mammogram? Common Questions Older Women Should Be Asking Their Health Providers


Your health takes on many forms. Are you addressing all of them?

You give yourself a few more hours of sleep to patch up after a stressful few days. You make sure to eat healthy and keep your immune system strong and bone density high. You sign up for yoga or therapy to prioritize your mental health. All these little actions have a positive net effect on your life and keep you feeling great. Your next step should be reaching out to a women’s health doctor and asking them about other areas that could use your attention. Be it determining your bone density or providing you with a mammogram, you’ll be glad you added this detail to the pile.

What should you expect to see when performing a biopsy on the breast? Is it worth getting a second opinion? Learn more below.

Simple Facts About Women’s Health Today

Women’s health has a lot to go up against. You have to consider the onset of early menopause, switching birth control, getting your pap smear…it can seem like a lot to deal with. Developing a working relationship with a women’s health specialist you can trust is the best way to make sure you have all your bases covered. It’s been estimated 20 out of 10,000 women between the ages of 50 and 55 will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the next year. Early menopause, infertility and high blood pressure are all increasingly common issues you should be aware of.

The Rise Of Breast Cancer

The best way to fight breast cancer is to diagnose it early. Your risk factor depends on your age, your lifestyle and your family history, all of which can be better calculated with the aid of a women’s health specialist. Compared to women without a family history, the risk of breast cancer is up to two times higher for women with one affected first-degree female relative. This can include the parent, child or sibling. The American Cancer Society recently recommended women between the ages of 40 and 45 begin annual mammography if they qualify as ‘average-risk’.

Health Benefits Of Regular Exercise

Exercise is essential for a healthy lifestyle. It helps you build muscle, retain bone density and keep your immune system strong. Women who get regular physical activity have anywhere between a 10% and 20% lower risk of breast cancer compared to women who are more inactive. This means 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobics multiple times per week or 20 minutes of high-intensity aerobics multiple times per week to reach standard. This can be achieved by taking trips to the gym, going for brisk walks or signing up for a cycling class.

Signs Of Early Menopause

Menopause is commonly linked to women in their late 40’s and 50’s. It is possible, however, to start experiencing menopause in your 30’s. Determining this is best done with the aid of a doctor, as even the typical signs of menopause like hot flashes and mood swings can easily be attributed to other factors. Postmenopausal breast cancer risk is nearly two times higher in overweight women and over two times higher in obese women than those that qualify as lean. A common theory among health professionals is the higher estrogen levels in fat tissue.

Questions You Should Ask Your Specialist

There’s no such thing as a stupid question when it comes to your health. Whether you’re worried about bone density affecting your ability to exercise or you’ve noticed a few gaps in your healthcare plan, meeting with a specialist will eliminate any lingering fears you have. Being proactive is definitely the name of the game when it comes to ongoing illnesses. Recent studies have shown a mammography reduces the risk of dying from breast cancer between 20% and 40%. A National Health Interview Survey conducted back in 2015 found over half of women over the age of 40 reporting having a mammogram in the past year.

Put your health first. Reach out to a Carolina breast imaging specialist and see how you can live your highest quality life yet.

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