Recognizing Signs and Symptoms of Fibroids and at Risk Demographics


Fibroid surgery

Up to 50% of all women will experience some kind of uterine fibroids, one of the leading hysterectomy causes in the U.S. Pelvic exams and ultrasound can be used to diagnose uterine fibroid’s, and while some treatment of uterine fibroids can be noninvasive and a relatively short recovery it is important for women to understand and able to recognize some of the signs and symptoms of fibroids as well as general elements that may put them at-risk.

What are the symptoms of fibroids?

1.) Gushing: 46% of women diagnosed with fibroids reported heavy periods or “flooding.” While it is still unknown exactly what causes this excessive bleeding, it is one of the recognizable symptoms of fibroids in uterus. Women who experience this should consult a gynecologist immediately.

2.) Cysts / Shape: Ovarian cysts and a distorted outer shape of the uterus are also possible signs you may need fibroid treatments. Small ovarian cysts can usually be removed by laparoscopy, or a small incision around the navel. Intramural fibroids are in the uterine wall while subserosal fibroids are just under the outer layer of uterus. Because of their location these abnormalities can sometime be seen by an individual. Go see a medical professional if there is anything you are unsure of.

3.) At Risk Demographics: It is important for women to realize if they are more at-risk for uterine fibroids in the first place. These women should keep an especially close eye on potential fibroid signs as many of these factors cannot be controlled. Women of African American heritage and those that experienced early onset of menstruation (before the age of 10) are two such categories. Other aspects that may increase a woman’s risk is obesity and never having borne a child (nulliparity). Having fibroids in the past can increase the recurrence of them as well.

While this is certainly not the entire list of signs and symptoms of fibroids, it is a good starting point for many women who have never experienced or thought about potentially getting them. As always it is important to receive regular medical exams and to ask questions whenever you are unsure about your health and well-being. Even though uterine fibroid removal has come a long way, it is always best to catch these sort of things as early as possible to avoid any complications.

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