Nerve pain is difficult to manage. Not only is it difficult, it’s extremely painful.
If you suspect your pain stems from a deeper issue, meeting with a neurology specialist should be your first course of action. Unlike the occasional stiff neck or pulled muscle nerve pain is more insidious, affecting the complex web of nerves that make up your body’s physical network. An issue in your lower back can cause you to feel pain in your jaw. A pinched nerve in your shoulder can ripple all the way to your hand and make it difficult to type. When you start to feel the telltale signs, taking action sooner rather than later will spell the best possible outcome for your recovery.
Pain relief is just around the corner. Nerve pain, just like any other form of chronic pain, doesn’t have to define your daily life.
The Definition Of Chronic Pain
You likely know multiple people who live with chronic pain. This is one of the most prevalent day-to-day issues affecting American adults today, doubly so because this condition can have a thousand different origins. As many as one billion people across the world live with chronic lower back pain, hip pain, knee pain, neck pain and wrist pain. A recent survey found nearly 60% of chronic pain sufferers reporting a significant impact on their quality of life. Nerve pain is especially prevalent and can even prevent people from walking, talking or eating like they used to.
Frequent Contributors To Chronic Pain
What causes these in the first place? Chronic pain can be caused by genetic factors, environmental factors or poor lifestyle choices. Lower back pain is often caused by standing or lifting heavy objects frequently throughout the day, though can also be worsened by the onset of aging. Neck and shoulder pain can be made worse through a poor mattress or chronic stress. Wrist pain is often exacerbated by long sessions of typing, drawing or painting without a break. Many people turn to stretching exercises, heat therapy and massages to alleviate the pain.
A Basic Overview Of Nerve Pain
If you want relief from pain, learning about nerve pain and how it works is a solid first step. The human body is home to 43 different pairs of nerves that connect the central nervous system throughout the body. Twelve of these pairs connect up to the brain, with the rest moving up and down the spinal cord. There are more nerve cells in the human brain than there are even stars in the Milky Way galaxy. A single pinched nerve can cause a world of pain, with some conditions bearing their own name and unique forms of treatment.
Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment
A painful and complex form of chronic pain is trigeminal neuralgia. Shortened to TN and sometimes called tic douloureux, this pain affects the fifth cranial nerve. This is one of the most widely distributed nerves in the head, making this neuropathic pain highly invasive and the equivalent to a nerve lesion. Trigeminal neuralgia most often occurs in women and people over the age of 50, though it is able to strike anyone in the population at any age. To date it affects around 12 per 100,000 people every year, thanks to studies provided by neurological disorder institutions.
Receiving A Diagnosis For Your Chronic Pain
From tissue damage to trigeminal neuralgia pain, sometimes it can seem like there are too many sources to count. With the aid of a specialist, however, you can narrow down your search to something much more tangible. Today around 20 million people in the country are affected by some form of peripheral neuropathy (ranging from mild weakness and numbness to severe pain and difficulty moving). The peripheral nervous system, as well as the fifth cranial nerve, are some of the most frequent issues brought to neurologists. A therapeutic ultrasound can ensure you’re on the right track when it comes to your own source of chronic pain.
A higher quality of life can be yours after ultrasound therapy. Meet with a professional today and see how you can change your days for the better.