How Psychotherapy Helps Treat Alcoholism


The video gives an empirical example of how psychotherapy can be used to help alcoholics overcome their struggles. Alcoholism is a progressive disease, and persons whose risk factors align in specific ways are more likely to develop alcoholism. Social drinking can lead to minor alcohol-related issues. Despite denials of alcoholism, the person alternates between phases of despair and rage due to drinking. They withdraw from family and social networks due to the drug, and their career or academic performance worsens.

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Attempts to quit drinking are frequently unsuccessful because the cravings are too intense or the withdrawal effects are too tough to bear.

Psychotherapy is a traditional therapy that helps people with alcoholism. Typically, psychotherapy is the type of therapy often depicted in movies or TV programs that uses basic dialogue techniques. Patients share their concerns and experiences with skilled alcohol abuse therapists during psychotherapy. Psychotherapy provides a safe, nonjudgmental setting where patients may share their challenges and problems. The heart of psychotherapy is talking through these issues. Even if patients overcome their physical desire for alcohol, they may have a significant psychological hole they were trying to fill with alcohol.

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