Can you get rid of hemorrhoids for good? It may depend on the severity and frequency of your flareups. While surgical procedures are available for extreme cases, the majority of those afflicted rely on “as needed” remedies, such as ointments and creams. But purchasing an “over the counter” remedy from a drug store is sometimes not as welcome a solution as one might think.
Statistics tell us that almost three quarters of all people will need treatment for hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. But that figure may be even higher, as experts believe some sufferers choose to endure the pain and discomfort in silence, rather than admit to having what they consider to be a rather embarrassing condition.
If you are reluctant to seek help, there are some natural hemorrhoid treatments that can be purchased easily without attracting any unwanted attention. Natural astringents, such as witch hazel or apple cider vinegar, can provide fast relief from itching and burning, as well as aid in reduction of swelling over time. Coconut oil and aloe are also effective balms that many have used to ease symptoms and speed recovery time.
In addition to natural substances, you can also make a few minor lifestyle adjustments to reduce the frequency of attacks. Staying hydrated and increasing your fiber intake can help to reduce the need to strain during bowel movements, which is a leading cause of hemorrhoids. Placing your feet on a footstool while you sit on the toilet, so that your knees are slightly higher than your hips, can also reduce strain, relieving muscles by allowing gravity to play a larger part in the elimination process.
Can you get rid of hemorrhoids for good with any of the above methods? There really is no clear answer. Once you get hemorrhoids, you may be more likely to suffer from them again in your life. But by keeping several treatment options handy, you can be ready to minimize symptoms quickly and discretely, as soon as they occur.