Skin issues can range from mildly irritating to potentially fatal, and in some cases it can be hard to tell the difference. In fact, there are roughly 1,500 distinct skin disorders and diseases, including various types of cancer. That’s why it’s important to know when to contact a dermatologist, get skin cancer consultations, and schedule other dermatology services.
Here are a few of the most common reasons to visit a dermatologist.
Bad Acne Issues
Acne is the most common skin issue in the United States. Whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, deep cysts, and other skin blemishes can break out all over a person’s face. Severe cases of acne can even leave permanent and unflattering scars, sometimes called “acne scars”. Serious acne problems are caused from bacteria and oil glands in the skin producing too much sebum, which clogs skin pores. Although acne is most common for young adults and teenagers, it can appear at any age.
When should you contact a dermatologist about acne? While some amount of acne is perfectly normal during puberty, many people contact dermatologists about severe cases of acne, persistent acne that doesn’t respond to over-the-counter treatments, or post-adolescent breakouts.
Eczema is a chronic skin condition that causes severe inflammation of the skin. This skin disorder can be both emotionally upsetting and extremely physically uncomfortable. Signs of eczema include red, swollen, blotchy, dry, and itchy skin over a large area. Another symptom of serious eczema is problems with sleeping because of the constant itchiness.
When to consult a dermatologist about eczema? Eczema is hard to ignore, as it takes the appearance of a large, unsightly rash. Consult with a dermatology specialist right away if you believe you are showing signs of eczema.
This skin disorder stems from immune system issues. Because psoriasis causes skin cells to form quickly, these skin cells pile up on the skin’s surface and create thick red patches. These patches typically appear on the face, scalp, legs, elbows, and knees and can be extremely itchy and painful. This is a chronic condition that requires professional attention and microscopic treatment.
When to contact a dermatologist about psoriasis? This skin condition can appear anywhere, but is most commonly found on the scalp, elbows, back, and knees. If you’ve found red patches in these areas, contact a specialists for a diagnosis.
Skin Cancer Concerns
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the world, by far, and there are a number of different types of skin cancer. Early signs of skin cancer could include the following: new growths that increase in size, skin sores that don’t go away, a pink or red growth with a waxy appearance, a growing lump with a rough surface, and unusual lumps or growths on the skin.
When to see a dermatologist for skin cancer consultations? The key to effectively treating serious skin cancer is early detection. If you suspect at all that you might have a potentially fatal skin disorder, it’s imperative that you do not wait for a time that’s more convenient to get checked. Contact an experienced dermatologist today and get a skin cancer screening as soon as possible.
If you have any serious skin condition — or any reason to believe that you might have a type of skin cancer that could put your life in danger — don’t wait. Get professional medical attention right away.