Three of the leading things your doctor is monitoring during labor and delivery


Having a baby can be an exciting part of life. The future of little hugs and kisses, the hope for your little artist or future doctor… all of your thoughts for the little life that is growing run ramped through your mind. However, what one doesn’t take into consideration are all of the tests, pokes, and prodding that come along with labor and delivery when the big day finally comes. With just under four million babies born in the United States every year, the doctors must know what they’re doing, caring for some many expectant moms and their babies. But, wouldn’t it help you to know what the doctors are monitoring during delivery? Let’s take a look at what you’re being watched carefully for and how these things are helping you and your baby.

So what does some of the monitoring that your doctors do while you’re welcoming a baby mean and how does it help you safely welcome your child into the world?

Effacement of cervix chart

What exactly is the effacement of cervix chart and how does this chart aid the doctors in their business? The effacement of cervix chart is a chart that tells the doctors how well the cervix has thinned out to allow the baby to move down through the birth canal. The cervix must be 100 percent effaced in order to pass the baby through the birth canal. This can be a long and difficult process for any woman to go through.

Dilation effacement chart

The dilation chart means how open the cervix is for the baby to pass through the birth canal. This measurement is from 1 to 10 and mothers can be up to three centimeters dilated before the birthing process even begins. This part can be one of the most painful parts of giving birth to a new life. The pregnancy dilation chart is used by all doctors, in fact, most nurses and medical practitioners who have been in their fields for years can tell these types of things without even looking at the chart itself.

The prenatal development chart

The prenatal development chart begins from fertilization of an egg and continues the tracked development right until birth. By following this chart the doctors can be sure that your baby to be is growing correctly and everything is up to date with how far along you are in your pregnancy. Tracking fetal development is imperative to both mom and baby though the long process of pregnancy. These charts are the charts are also known as the weekly fetal development chart.

The next time you find yourself panicking as to what everything means during your pregnancy, labor, and development don’t be afraid to ask questions and get a better understanding on what is going on with your body and your baby. Fetal development stages charts, labor dilation and effacement chart and fetal progress charts are the charts that are going to help you to better understand what is going on with your body and your baby both. In just a few short months your new baby will be kicking and screaming in your arms.

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