A study showed that one in five households have someone providing a caregiving service to a loved one. But what does it mean to be a caregiver and provide home care services? Particularly in these trying times of Covid-19.
Forty percent of seniors are in desperate need of someone to help them through day-to-day activities, and this is where in-home care comes in. Caregivers don’t just provide comfort for their clients, but for their support systems as well.
Through equipment, rehab, and information, home care providers nurture and supply advice to those in need. The ultimate goal of a caregiver is to keep you or your loved one healthy and at home. Common discussions you may have with a caregiver will cover your symptoms, answer any questions you may have, and talk about your current care plan and progression through the program.
Homecare services may seem invasive when it comes to someone being in your house, and that can be hard. All necessary precautions are taken to ensure the health and safety of everyone involved. Covid-19 screenings of your caregiver can include checking for temperature, wearing the correct protective equipment, and discussing possible symptoms.
This video is an example of how home care works during this time, so follow along to learn more!