Given that so many people in the United States live busy lives with work, family, and other obligations, when they become sick, it can prove difficult to schedule an appointment with their primary care physician. Fortunately, however, there are urgent care clinics available. Since people can be seen by a physician or a physician’s assistant without making an appointment, this makes urgent care centers a convenient option.
Most walk-in medical clinics are usually open throughout the entire week. The Urgent Care Association of America estimates that three million people currently visit these types of clinics on a weekly basis. In addition to treating fractures, sprains, and other minor injuries, a walk-in medical clinic can also provide treatment for colds, flus, urinary tract infections, and other medical issues.
It’s interesting to note that on an annual basis, Americans come down with roughly one billion colds. In addition to colds and other upper-respiratory illnesses, between five percent and 20% of Americans
become sick with the flu. Estimates also show that approximately 8.1 million visits to the doctor every year are for urinary tract infections.
In addition to the above, urgent care professionals can also take care of bumps, bruises, cuts, and other types of wounds that may require stitches. Since around 85% of the people in this country are allergic to poison ivy, a walk-in medical clinic can also treat this and other types of allergies or allergic reactions. Since the only states that don’t have poison ivy are Alaska and Hawaii, it’s important to learn how to recognize this poisonous plant in case of a potential allergy.
Even though people don’t need to make advanced appointments to receive urgent care treatment, appointments can be made online ahead of time when time allows. Urgent care centers are a convenient option when someone is sick or sustains an injury. These clinics also provide many preventative services such as flu shots and sports physicals.
Given the convenience and other benefits associated with urgent care clinics, it’s important for busy Americans to know the location of a walk-in clinic near them. In this way, individuals and their families don’t need to experience further discomfort due to an illness or injury as they can just walk into these clinics to receive immediate treatment.