As our bodies age, there is a plethora of illnesses and ailments that we are a greater risk of developing. Diabetes, hernias, incontinence, and the list goes on for problems that can effect one’s daily habits. There are over 1.4 million new diagnosis of diabetes each year, leaving people to wonder what diabetic care entails. Many adults chose to use the bare minimum treatment such as an inguinal hernia truss. Preventive care comes first, but once the ailment takes hold treatment can only progress with the quality of information received.
There are about 11.8 million people over the age of 65 living with diabetes. It has been found that this disease rarely wrecks havoc on the body alone. There are estimates that only about 9% of adults have only diabetes. The remaining have one of the following in conjunction: high blood pressure; heart disease; asthma; arthritis; or chronic respiratory disease. Clearly then, it is not just eating sugar that leads to diabetes, but a lifestyle that does not focus on one’s health.
With diabetes, keeping one’s blood sugar low and stable is critical to staying healthy. There are numerous studies indicating that Type 2 diabetes symptoms and risks can be greatly reduced with a good diet and exercise plan. Essentially, a lifestyle change in which regular exercise, a nutritious diet, and less stress are important for treatment, not a drug. Accurate information is key, as many adults mistakenly think that insulin syringes will be a new necessity, when that kind of treatment is more applicable to Type 1 diabetes.
If we do not continue to exercise our bodies as we age, our muscle mass diminishes. Strong muscles are appealing for a variety of reasons, and not due to visual appeal. Muscle mass burns more calories than fat, even when the body is sitting still. Strong muscles also reduce the risk of injury, but this is attributed to having the strength to lift objects and knowing proper form while moving.
No one wants to have to buy an inguinal hernia truss, but that is what may happen if you do not do not continue to move your body as you age. A hernia, as you may know, occurs when a person’s abdominal muscles weaken and thin, usually as a result of disuse and aging. This weakening means that with a sudden straining of the abdominals, the person’s intestines push through the thinned muscle and are trapped.
This occurrence may not even be painful. The hernia may even be pushed back into the abdominal cavity, and surgery sought at a convenient time. An inguinal hernia truss, which is simply a soft abdominal hernia belt that can be worn under clothing. It is used to offer some support to the weakened belly muscles, and also to encourage the hernia to stay behind the abdominal wall.
An embarrassing subject for many seniors (or anyone, really) is incontinence. While adult diapers have been the punchline of many jokes over the years, these items have a real purpose for many seniors. As with diabetes, this problem rarely occurs alone. While a weakening of a woman’s pelvic floor muscles, or a man’s enlarged prostate can be the culprit, diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, or multiple sclerosis can also contribute to the problem.
Getting older doesn’t need to mean a loss of mobility and health. The key is to stay informed, and stay healthy. This means knowing about increased health risks as we age, taking care of our bodies with consistent diet and exercise, and minimizing stress.