Are you experiencing fatigue and an unexplained weight gain? Have you also noticed that you’ve had hair and muscle loss along with other symptoms such as sexual dysfunction? It’s possible that you may have low testosterone, or hypogonadism, which affects up to 13 million men in the United States.
What Is Hypogonadism?
Basically, this disease is caused by issues with the testicles or the pituitary gland, according to the Mayo Clinic. As a result, the body isn’t able to produce testosterone in normal amounts. There are other causes for low levels of testosterone, such as testicular cancer.
The Natural Decline of Testosterone Levels
The Natural Decline of Testosterone Levels
When men have normal testosterone levels, they still tend to fluctuate throughout the day. In the absence of a hormonal imbalance, these levels tend to range between 300 and 1,200 nanograms per deciliter.
Even though these levels will vary among men, after they turn 30, testosterone levels will usually decrease 1% every year. After 45, approximately 4 out of every 10 men will experience low testosterone levels.
The Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy
According to the Mayo Clinic, testosterone replacement therapy can assist with reversing the effects of low testosterone. However, they also stress that it may not provide additional benefits for older, healthy men.
Before determining whether or not testosterone replacement therapy would be a beneficial option, the Mayo Clinic states that physicians will usually test a man’s testosterone levels at least twice. When a specific medical condition causes an unusual decline in testosterone levels, however, a physician may prescribe this therapy. Otherwise, the Mayo Clinic indicates that it is not advised to treat normal aging with this type of therapy.
When this therapy is prescribed, there are different delivery methods. A physician may, for example, administer treatment via injections, pellets, patches, or gels, according to the Mayo Clinic.
In addition to the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy, there are other recommended methods to raise testosterone. Since obese men are 2.4 times more likely to have low testosterone, the Mayo Clinic recommends losing weight to assist with raising testosterone levels. Engaging in resistance exercises that increase muscle mass is also recommended by the Mayo Clinic.
Seeking Medical Advice
It appears that most men that experience low testosterone aren’t receiving treatment for this condition. This is found to be the case with 90% of the men that have low testosterone. If you believe that you have this disease, it”s important to seek medical attention.
If it is determined that you have low testosterone, you can discuss treatment options with your physician at that time. Even though there are benefits of testosterone replacement therapy, there are also potential side effects associated with these treatments. It is therefore up to you to weigh the benefits against the potential side effects during consultations with your physician.