The Benefits of Procedures Offered by Hair Clinics and Micropigmentation Hairline


Many different hair transplants and other hair replacement treatments exist today. Certain questions are also available as to the one that may be the best for you, including the micropigmentation hairline. So, what is the best hair transplant or micropigmentation hairline option? There may not be an overall final answer to that question, especially considering the fact that every patient has their own specific situation that has led to the need for a hair transplant. As with anything, it is always best to find a hair clinic close to you, talk to your doctor, and then determine the best option for your needs.

Thinning Hair in Our Nation

Male pattern baldness is an issue that addresses over 60% of men who face some sort of hair loss by the age of 35. Those numbers increase by the age of 50 to about 85%, and even more from there. Men so commonly face thinning hair and balding that it becomes a sensitive issue of self-consciousness. Because of the amount of thinning hair, male pattern baldness, and other hair loss in our country, there is much to gain from the number of hair clinics available throughout the United States. While hair loss is most common in men, there is the potential for thinning hair and hair loss in anyone. Some of the most common facts regarding hair loss include:

  1. About 82% of those facing hair loss have arrived there from genetic issues.
  2. Roughly 35 million American men face some sort of hair loss at any one time.
  3. Before baldness becomes visible, about half of a full head of hair will already be gone.

Hair Transplant and Replacement is Only One Option

Hair transplant procedures can be a hard decision, especially if you need to find the best hair transplant procedure for your needs. Many different hair restoration treatments, including micropigmentation hairline, are available without the need for a procedure. With men being the patients most often suffering from hair loss, there is a greater need for male hair loss specialists in the United States. A number of treatment options do not require surgery or incisions of any type, but can still be a little costly and time-consuming in order to provide quality results.

The FUE Transplant Procedure

An eight-hour procedure, FUE transplant is much more detailed than any of the follicle replacement or other hair procedures of the past. FUE stands for Follicular Unit Extraction, where individual grafts of hair follicles are collected for hair replacement. Grafts are simply small groups of up to four hairs in their natural place on the scalp. A tiny punch extracts each graft at all ranging from .7 to one millimeter. Grafts are then transplanted to help provide a fuller looking head of hair.

The FUSS Procedure

Another recent procedure is the FUSS procedure, which is even more invasive than the FUE procedure. It tends to leave greater scars and requires a longer recovery time, but is still reliable in the long run. While the FUSS procedure limits the ability to graft or pull the scalp in future procedures, it is important to be the final determination that another procedure will not be needed in the future.

With all of these procedures and many more options, there is a great deal to consider the ability to replace or transplant hair that is slowly fading away. Procedures are a possibility while there is also micropigmentation hairline for the recovery from balding that often comes on quickly. There may need to be a fast decision made with your doctor at the hair clinic, so if you are in need of a change an appointment made in the near future could be essential.

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