If you are tired of having to rely on someone else like a home health aide to help you relieve your bladder every day, you should look into getting self catheterization supplies to use for yourself. When you use self catheterization supplies, you will be able to take care of yourself whenever you have the urge to. This means that self catheterization supplies can help you to be much more self reliant so that you will no longer have to get someone else every single time that your bladder is full.
One of the reasons why many people are nervous about using self catheterization supplies is because there is normally a high risk of infection associated with the process. While this is true, new innovations with self catheterization supplies make it very easy to do with very minimal chance of getting any sort infection at all. What this boils down to is that self catheterization supplies can allow you to do your business in a private setting without having to worry about anyone watching you or helping you through it. This means that aside from making the process or urinating easier, self catheterization supplies can also help you to maintain your dignity.
If you are worried about the costs involved with these new and improved self catheter supplies, you should put all worries and doubts aside because for less than a dollar a day, you can take care of your bladder troubles. In fact, urinary catheter supplies are often covered by insurance, which means that you will not have to worry about paying anything at all. When you find them from the right source, you will even be able to get them in bulk so that you will not have to worry about running out. You can even check out your options for Medicare catheter coverage, because some Medicare catheter supplies may be covered.
Catheter suppliers are available for you to shop with online, and this will most likely prove to be the best way for you to get all of your supplies. When you get your catheters in this way, you will have an easier time with purchasing them in large quantities and having them delivered to your house. You will not have to do anything other than place the initial order.
Finally, you will be able to move about your house or even have a day out without worrying about your bladder. By taking your supplies with you, they can be used anywhere you go. This will help you to lead a better life.