Even the best of intentions can go terribly wrong.
The current opioid epidemic in America is a prime example. As many Americans fact eh devastating effects of opioid withdrawal symptoms, the battle against the opioid crisis in America is, like many other topics, one that creates conflict. From those who want to provide free treatment options, which sometimes include some kinds of drugs, to those who so not want to spend the money on treatment, there are many communities that are really struggling. At the same time when the there are new arguments and battles over vaping, one of the more recent troubling epidemics in the country, there are city health and government officials who feel as if they are fighting a never ending battle when it comes to chemical addiction.
Does Your Community Have a Drug Take Back Event?
A Doctor’s Appointment Can Involve Prescribed Powerful Pain Medications
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Prescription Drug Take Back Event last weekend netted a large amount powerful pain medication that could have ended up on the streets, feeding the increasing opioid epidemic in the U.S.
Although aerosols and sharps were not accepted, this Saturday, community activity organized by the local police department was an effort to assist with other National Prescription Drug Take-Back events across the country. By providing a safe and easy way for people to get rid of their unused or unwanted medications, local police officers hope to avoid these unused prescriptions from getting into the wrong hands.
We live in such confusing times. The very medications that are necessary for some patients who deal with chronic pain or the pain after a surgery are the same drug that when used incorrectly can lead to a lifetime of abuse of the most devastating opioid withdrawal symptoms. Current research indicates that as many as 2 million Americans each year are affected by prescription opioid misuse. Unfortunately, there is plenty of blame to go around. The changes to government recommendations and aggressive marketing by pharmaceutical companies has put more and more of these dangerous narcotics on the street. In fact, it is often the use of prescription pain pills in the past that have led to a dramatic increase in the last 25 years in prescriptions of oxycodone for long-term use in patients with chronic pain. Knowing how to responsibly use these medications when needed is essential.
Addiction is never easy. Finding a way to make sure that you do not fall victim to this dangerous condition is easier said than done. The first step, of course, is in carefully following the dosage amounts. After a surgery, for instance, it is often recommended that patients take the pain medication that they are given on a regular basis for the first 24 hours. Falling behind in pain medication is one situation that can cause problems for some people who are adamant that they do not want to take any heavy dosage narcotics. When taken correctly, however, these medications allow patients to get the rest that they need that can promote the best kind of recovery and healing.
Understandably, opioid withdrawal symptoms can include a very wide range. From anxiety, nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain to restlessness or sweating, these conditions are fairly easy to diagnose. They are, however, nearly impossible to ignore. From the dilated pupils two the waterers, there are also patients who present with cramping and abdominal pain, as well as excessive yawning, fast heart rate, goose bumps, insomnia, or tremors. Although these opioid withdrawal symptoms can be severe, they are not often life-threatening. As addiction levels increase in a person, however, the withdrawal symptoms do as well. Asking and finding help sooner rather than later is always important. Unfortunately, many addicts are in a state of self denial and often hide their symptoms from loved ones. As a result, there are many addicts who have done significant damage to not only their physical health, but also their mental well being and personal relationships and job status before they ever get the help that they need.
Treatments are expensive and extensive and there are many people who do not find success after one round of treatments. Finding a support system is beneficial and recommended.