With all the stresses that we face today, life can be overwhelming. Juggling home life, work, and personal needs can be tiring, especially when you find your own personal needs are being neglected. This can leave you feeling hopeless and exhausted, without proper guidance.
For this reason, many people seek out spiritual counseling to help them through difficult life situations. Spiritual counseling utilizes a faith-based approach to traditional counseling methods to encourage a patient understand their life on a deeper level, often fostering a “big picture” mentality. This method of treatment can prove effective for many Americans who believe their religion or faith is tied to their level of well-being. According to several Gallup polls, about 90% of Americans believe in the existence of a God, and over 80% try to conduct their lives according to their faith.
The practice of spiritual counseling can include a wide variety of techniques and treatments. These counselors can also be psychic mediums that do clairvoyant readings, chakra balancing, reiki, and angel channeling, among other healing practices.
Angel channeling has been a popular choice among patients with a Christian background. This is considered an ancient method of connecting with Angels, and it is believed that all Christians have an angel connected to them or their family. By channeling these angels, practitioners claim that a significant amount of healing can take place.
Because these angels are connected to Spirit, or the universal energy of God, they can offer advice and guidance to patients who are experiencing difficulties in life. Spiritual counselors are said to be able to tap into the realm of Spirit during angel channeling, and contact a patient’s angel to relay messages to the patient during a session. These communications can guide an ailing or confused individual in a positive direction regarding personal, financial, worldly, and spiritual issues.
Some psychics and angel channelers alos use tarot card and angel card readings to facilitate conversation with Angels and other Spirit guides. Angel cards have pictures of particular angels on each card, and often come with guide books that explain the significance of each angel. Tarot cards work the same way, and offer guidance about present and future events using symbols and various images.
While millions of people seek the help of a psychotherapist or a mental health counselor every year for their problems, spiritual counselors provide a different perspective on healing pain and suffering. This kind of treatment may not be right for everyone, but if you believe that faith is a major part of your every day life, spiritual counseling could be the most effective treatment for you. Find more on this topic here: thehealingorchid.com