As the weather starts to cool down, more people may find themselves looking to common sports such as sledding and snowboarding to stay active this winter. However, with these sports comes potential injuries that could result in a painful winter.
While there is always the option of an urgent care center if you do find yourself facing winter sport related injuries, there are prevention options that will hopefully keep you moving this snow season.
Get in Shape Beforehand
In order to prepare your body for the winter activities that you are hoping to participate in, it’s important to first make sure that you are in the right condition to do so. There are many workouts that you can do in the months leading up to cold weather season.
It may be a good idea to visit your local urgent care clinic that offers sports physicals. This can help you make sure your body and muscles are in proper shape before attempting the activities. It’s also important that you warm up these muscles before you head out to prevent possible injuries.
Take Lessons
Just as you must get your body in shape for winter activities, it’s also important to learn all that you can before you attempt the sport. Finding a class or lessons is a great way to learn how to do the sport properly instead of trying it for the first time on alone.
You can make the lesson even more enjoyable by gathering a group and taking the class together. This will give you all a new sport to try this winter while ensure that you know how to participate safely.
Never go out Alone
It’s important that you never try to venture out on a mountain or trail on your own, especially in the winter. If you are planning a ski trip, take a group with you instead of trying it on your own.
By having other people with you, there will be a better chance of you getting help if you are injured during the sport. The people with you can either help take you to a nearby urgent care to get medical attention or help you themselves if your injuries are minor.
Utilize Light Layers
Wearing light layers is an important part of participating in winter sports. Instead of heavy layers that would weigh you down and cause you to feel overheated as you become active, light layers are able to change with you body temperature.
Choosing clothing that is light as well as resistant to wind and water will help protect your body from the winter elements. You will be able to stay warm or cool as needed because the light layers will be able to adjust to your needs.
Pay Attention to Weather Warnings
Before you go out in the winter, it is important that you check for possible weather warnings. The last thing that you want is to be caught off guard by drastic weather conditions, so it is important to avoid these situations.
If there is a possibility for dangerous or unpredictable weather, it is best to reschedule your trip for another time to be on the safe side. As bad winter weather can not always be avoided, it is important to be prepared for any possible situation when you head out.
Take Breaks from the Weather
It’s important that you take breaks from your winter sports to give your body a chance to rest and warm up. It’s important to note that it can be difficult to judge how cold it really is outside because your body temperature will feel warmer due to the activity.
Because of this, keep track of how much time you are spending outside so you know when you will likely need a break. It’s also important to be drinking a lot of water while you are participating in these activities.
Seek Help if Needed
Even with prevention, accidents can happen. Know the location of your local walk in urgent care center and get medical treatment if needed.
It’s also important to note the services available, like the fact that four out of five urgent cares can give treatment for fractures. Because of this, research the urgent care near you so you can get the right help when you need it.