When your body no longer allows you to be as mobile as you want, it does not mean that you have to quit doing the things that you love. When your parents get to the point where they need to use a mobility chair, it does not mean that they have to be stuck in the house. With the help of portable patient lifts, door openers, and stair lifts for homes, many people are still able to enjoy many of the activities that they have enjoyed their whole life.
Any time a family member is learning to adjust to a disability, the process requires not only patience, but also a connection to the right resources. With the help of products like wheelchair accessible ramps and portable patient lifts, family members and care givers can help their loved ones adapt to a new of progressive disability. Although most businesses and public offices have the appropriate accessibility standards in place, homes often require a great deal of modifications. Consider these facts and figures about the world that patients with disabilities have to learn to navigate with the help of accessibility adaptations:
- 53 million Americans live with a disability, and a recent study indicates that the most common disability is associated with limited mobility, often requiring the use of wheelchair accessible ramps and other kinds of mobility adaptations.
- 6.8 million Americans use assistive devices to aid their mobility. Some of these include wheelchair lifts for homes and vertical lifts for homes.
- 50% of all falls taken by older adults take place at home.
- 90% of people over the age of 65 want to live in their home as long as they can, according to American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) and the National Conference of State Legislatures.
- 2 million senior citizens visit the emergency room for injuries caused by a fall every single year.
- 235,000 people experience injuries in the bathroom every single year, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
If you have a friend or family member who is learning to adapt to a recent disability, they may need to make adaptations to their homes so that they are still able to stay in their home.