The benefits of massage therapy are many, and after a lifetime of competitive gymnastics, including a four year college, career, the sports massage is a must. A total of six surgeries have been a part of your young 21 year old life and you are now looking for a way to make every day as comfortable as possible. Your parents tell you that you had to have two different surgeries to release the muscles in your two thumbs and one ring finger. And while you do not remember much about those surgeries that took place before you were six years old, the more recent surgeries are difficult to forget.
The first two were on the same ankle as you searched for a way to recover from gymnastics injuries. Wanting to be able to continue your college career you also ended up having a shoulder surgery in the middle of season on your junior year. That labrum repair, however, worked well and you like to tell people that your senior year was a magical season. You were able to compete in more meets that final year than the three previous years combined. Just two meets into the season, however, you knew that something was more than wrong with your left hip. A near end of the season MRI confirmed that your pain was more than understandable, and the doctors found another torn labrum. Once that operation and rehab were complete, however, you found that your right hip had a torn labrum as well.
Massage Techniques Can Offer a Number of Advantages
Whether you are looking for massage therapy in Wilmington, Delaware, after a successful college gymnastics career or you are searching for therapeutic massage centers in the Midwest to make your days at work less painful, it is always important to work with a reliable and experienced therapist. The deep tissue massage therapy in Wilmington may help an athlete stay active long after a high school career is over, but a midwestern therapist can be just as important in helping a worker be more productive and comfortable while they are on the job.
Whether or not you are an athlete, massage therapy is popular. In fact, in July 2014 alone, more than 54 million American adults indicated that they had discussed massage therapy with their doctors or health care providers in the previous year. In fact, 92% of people who have had a therapeutic session agree that massage can be effective in reducing pain, from massage therapy in Wilmington to places across the midwest.