Affecting nearly 50 million Americans, acne is a common and persistent skin condition. If not treated properly, severe breakouts can lead to acne scars. Acne treatment products can only do so much to reduce the appearance of these scars, but there are things that you can do to prevent the scarring altogether. Follow these tips to avoid the formation of new acne scars, and to find the best skin care routine for you.
Do not:
Touch your face – Even if you think that it will help to reduce the appearance of a breakout, never pick at, squeeze, or pop a pimple. The dirt and oil on your hands can transfer on to your face, clogging your pores and leading to worse breakouts. The best way to prevent further contamination of your breakouts is to stay away from touching your face as much as you can.
Eat greasy foods – The grease from greasy fried foods can stay on your hands and face long after you’re done eating. These oils can get trapped in your skin, leading to increased breakouts. If you already have a tendency towards oily skin, this can be an especially big problem. Try to stay away from greasy foods, and make sure you wash your hands often.
Wash your face – Make sure to wash your face every day to prevent the buildup of excess dirt and oil. Establishing a skin care routine that will keep your skin clean and oil free can help to reduce breakouts and prevent scarring. Find products that can gently exfoliate while lifting dirt and oil from your pores and prevent further zits.
Change your products – If your acne refuses to clear up, or if you have specific trouble areas like back acne, you should consider changing your products. Your conditioner could be responsible for clogging your pores and causing more breakouts. Talk to your dermatologist about which products you should be using to avoid future breakouts and scarring. And if you already have severe acne scars, visit a dermatologist to see how you can reduce their appearance.