CBD, or Cannabidiol, is one of the latest crazes in the health and wellness industry. Although many people associate CBD with THC, the psychoactive chemical component in marijuana, CBD is in fact free of all THC, while still providing a multitude of benefits. Dr.Oz and Dr. Sanjay Gupta come together to showcase how CBD oil in particular can be used to improve your lifestyle and general wellbeing.
Within the last seven years, CBD has been documented in certain cases to treat seizures and other health conditions, including alleviating pain, reducing anxiety, aiding in sleep, and assisting in minimizing withdrawal symptoms.
CBD oil can be used topically or ingested and is safe for both humans and animals. There are a variety of CBD pet treats and oils that can be used to ease your furry friend’s anxiety or help them relax in general. Beyond these holistic aspects, recent studies have shown that in states with approved CBD legislation, the amount of opioid prescriptions has decreased over time.
Although not approved by the Federal Government, CBD is FDA-approved and is available in 47 states. Widely available across the country, CBD is most likely sitting on the shelves of your local grocery store in the form of oils, soaps, face creams, lotions, candies, and more. Stop in today and see how CBD can change your life!