There are various factors to consider when renovating a home. One thing that may not be on your radar, but should be right at the top, is accessibility. Accessible modular homes have unique designs and are built to give everyone, including those who have disabilities or use wheelchairs, the opportunity to live independently in their own home.
The best ways to create a handicap-accessible living space include creating an appropriate floor plan and installing handicapped access ramps to help those who are disabled move through the house efficiently. Here is a list of handicap accessible home ideas;
Create a Floor Plan
It is vital to create a floor plan for your home that is ideal for people with different levels of mobility. You will have to adapt your floor plan to work for those physically challenged. For example, if one person in the home has limited levels of mobility, another one may need to walk through an entryway and into the living room. You will need to make sure that a person with a physical disability can quickly get around your home. You must think about setting up your home to offer ample room for movement, even if it needs doing an interior demolition.
Accessibility is an essential one, not only for people with disabilities but also for all those who want to live in a home where they can age. While it may seem like the best solution to move into a building that’s already handicap accessible, you may be shocked to learn that there are many ways you can make your existing home more accessible on the cheap.
One of the handicap accessible home ideas is to eliminate clutter by reorganizing your home. Clutter can make stairs challenging to navigate, making it difficult to get in and out of rooms. Consider organizing before you build to avoid problems after the fact.
You can install handrails or rails on the walls next to the stairs to free your hands while climbing or descending them. You can also put up grab bars along the area closest to the wheelchair. You can obtain them at fair prices through hardware stores or home improvement retailers.
Consider installing a faucet that has three or four settings so that you can set it for different heights for both hands and feet, thus making it easier to wash away from either position.
Install Handicapped Parking
Most people do not realize how relevant it is to have these accessible parking spaces, primarily if someone in the home uses a powerchair. In addition, you must consider your disabled person’s needs when choosing the type of accessible parking spaces and asphalt sealcoating service that you will have.
The practice of providing accessible parking spaces is one of the handicap accessible home ideas you probably don’t often think about it. But if you’re looking to make your home more welcoming to disabled guests, and accessible driveway provides other significant benefits beyond just making their visit more convenient.
You can make handicap parking more accessible and attractive by painting stripes on the pavement to highlight where cars should park. The paint should be light-colored and preferably made of rubber instead of asphalt to prevent damage if it gets scuffed by larger vehicles. You can do this using old railroad ties or even wooden planks. You can mark off and paint the lines that indicate the location of accessible parking spaces. These should be done on both sides of the driveway so people know whether they can park there.
You can also install a handicapped sign above the space. The poster should be large and bold but not so large as to be lost under a shrub or overgrown by other plantings.
Providing Accessible Rooms
Providing access control is among the significant handicap accessible home ideas. Most people do not realize the importance of the rooms in their home, especially the rooms that may need to be accessible. Consider the rooms in your home that you can offer to physically challenged individuals. For example, if you have a bathroom with additional space, you can install a wheelchair ramp and make it accessible for someone using a wheelchair.
If a person in your home has paralysis from being shot or recovering from an accident, consider creating an accessible room for them when they visit. You will be able to help them with their daily tasks by providing this room in your house.
If you’re considering working with a contractor to renovate your bathroom or create an addition, you must figure out what level of accessibility you want for your home. There are two basic levels of accessibility: universal design and modified design. The universal design is the most accessible option and usable by all people with limited mobility. Modified plans typically offer few modifications beyond a handicap access door and handicapped fixtures in the bathroom but don’t allow safe movement through hallways or stairs.
Consider Changing Out Your Lighting System
It is often hard to provide enough light in your home for those visually challenged, so it is vital that you consider changing out your lighting system. It may be necessary if the light source will not accommodate someone with a visual impairment. Consider changing out your ceiling fan, curtain rods, and other lamps to ensure you have enough lighting for everyone’s needs. You should also provide both ambient and task lighting to provide sufficient lighting in each room throughout the day.
Lighting is among those things that can make an already challenging situation more difficult for those with disabilities. You can get lost in the bad lighting and come face-to-face with bumps and stairs that shouldn’t be there. That’s because light provides so much information about the environment and the next level.
If you have issues navigating your home, one of the handicap accessible home ideas you should consider is switching out your lighting system. The kind of lighting in your home can be a big help or hindrance to your security solutions. With a few simple and inexpensive swaps, you can make all the difference.
Natural light is great because it lets you see where you are going without turning on any lights. However, it’s only available during specific times of the day, so that won’t always work for you.
Ceiling fans are another great option for adding more light to your home. They make your room feel airier, more relaxed, and cleaner. They can even create a more relaxing atmosphere by making the space feel less stuffy.
Install Accessible Bathroom Handles
Caring for loved ones with disabilities is a top priority for many families. Considering that people live much longer, it’s not uncommon that people will age and experience some disability or condition. There are many handicap accessible home ideas and modifications you can make to your home better to meet the needs of someone with a disability. One example is installing accessible bathroom handles.
You may need to install accessible bathroom handrails for bathing and showering. In addition, you will want to consider installing ceiling-mounted grab bars for those in your home who are unable to stand. These are essential things that you can do to make your home more accessible both for occupants and junk removal companies. When choosing a bathroom design, it is also vital to consider a handicap accessible shower head and toilet seat.
Providing Accessible Hallways
When you plan your home, think about how it will be for every person who walks through the front door. One of the efficient ways to make your home more accessible is thinking about hallways. Hallways could function as a way of getting around the house and can provide access to different rooms on either side. Still, they have furniture or other items that make them difficult for people with limited mobility.
Providing people with physical disabilities adequate space during their movements through hallways is among the handicap accessible home ideas. To do this, you have to choose the appropriate flooring or carpeting for the hallways in your home. It would help if you also chose narrow doors and passages wide enough so that a wheelchair can easily fit through them.
Hallways are a great way to organize your home and get everything you need with easy access. You can also make hallways more accessible by thinking about the placement of doors and furnishings. If a hallway gets tight or crowded, consider moving the location of doors and other objects. You can also use hallways to create smaller spaces such as walk-in closets, bathrooms, or extra bedrooms.
Consider Offering Multiple Routes To Get Around Your Home
You will need to provide multiple routes around your home to help people who use mobility devices. It is imperative if you want a disabled person to be able to get around your home if they cannot use the walkways.
Consider installing raised access ramps for your disabled person’s van and separate parallel parking spaces for each handicap accessible vehicle you own to ensure that all of them have enough space. You will also want to install different parking spaces for each of your family members’ cars so that they do not have to park too close together.
One of the best ways to create an inviting home for your whole family is by considering access for all four senses. When designing handicap accessible home ideas, it’s crucial to have wide doorways and welcoming sight, smell, and sound. If you have a small budget allocation, you can work with a certified financial advising professional to help you navigate through the various financing plans.
Putting Up Signs/Labels On Your Home
It would help if you considered putting up signs or labels in your home to ensure that those who are physically disabled can easily find a fitting room in your home. You will need to place signs outside your home that indicate parking areas and accessible entrances. You will also need to include accessible parking spaces and wheelchair-accessible halls on the map of your home.
Many people worry about accessibility when they consider implementing handicap accessible home ideas. It is especially true if you wonder how to make your small home handicap accessible. By doing a few modifications and appliance installation, you can quickly turn any home into a fully accessible place for those with mobility restrictions and, as a result, create the ideal living environment for seniors or even older children with autism and other disabilities.
Depending on the type of your disability, you could have a hard time recognizing all the items in your home. It is especially true if you have some visual impairment.
To help accommodate anyone with sight restrictions, try adding signage and labels to all the heavy furniture in your house, including beds and couches. Additionally, consider putting up labels for everyday appliances such as ovens, microwaves, and refrigerators.
Consider Accessibility Throughout The Entire Home
It would help if you considered accessibility throughout the entire home, including all bathroom fixtures, entryways, doors, and windows. If you have a walk-in shower, consider installing grab bars around it. You will also want to consider installing handicap accessible light switches, programmable thermostats, and many other things to make your house more handicap accessible.
Accessibility is at the forefront of many households’ minds. After a physical disability or diagnosis, it’s easy to feel that your future is limited to what you can and cannot do. However, with some creativity and effort, there are handicap accessible home ideas you can implement in your home to work for you in any mobility status. The basics like the suitable doorways and pathways, a wheelchair-enabled bathroom and bathtub, plus specialized switches and door handles will provide you with a start on accommodating your needs from now on.
Before you begin to remodel your existing home or build new, it’s best to get an idea of what you’ll need. You can turn to the internet for some great resources to do this.
Using Railings When Offering Staircases
If you provide an accessible route around your home for those who use mobility devices or wheelchairs, consider using railings to make it easier and safer. Even if you have accessible doorways and routes, you will not want to forget about the staircase or other pathways. If you use an elevator, you need professional elevator maintenance services to ensure that it is functional.
A variety of people need wheelchair ramps, stairs, and railings to make their homes more accessible. It is, therefore, necessary to consider the standard handicap accessible home ideas to make their lives more comfortable.
Adding elements that make it easier for people with disabilities to get around and enjoy the space with their loved ones makes a house more than a home. You can get in touch with an elevator company to fix any issues with the elevators in your apartment.
In conclusion, you can do handicap accessible home ideas in the same steps as installing a standard home. The homeowner must remember that the doors, windows, and other household appliances must be handicap accessible. They should also make sure that they are not putting anything off-limits for people with disabilities.
If people with their home design plans don’t want to compromise on accessibility, they must remember that hiring a professional designer is always possible. It is the most recommended option, especially for people who want a hassle-free experience. Professionals understand your home better than you, and they know what is accessible and what is not. It’s their job to make your home handicap accessible, and they make sure that it stays that way.