Three Weird Ways to Relieve Pain


Relieve neck pain

Pain is an unfortunately common part of many people’s lives. From neck pain to lower back pain, and everything in between, it can be caused by a number of problems. Many people have arthritis, which causes joint pain, while others sustain minor work stress from sitting or lifting things in unsuitable ways. Fortunately, there are a number of weird ways you can get pain relief for your symptoms. Read on to learn more!

  1. strong>Hold a Bottle of Ibuprofen–Your brain is a fascinating entity which often substitutes items with the sensations associated with them. Handling pain medication, accordingly, has been shown in test settings to increase pain tolerance even when the subject did not consume the medication.
  2. Meditate– You don’t need to be a full-fledged yogi to take advantage of the benefits of meditation. Instead, if you’re in pain, take a few minutes to sit quietly and comfortably, breathing deeply and focusing on each moment that passes. This may calm you down enough to help you naturally reduce your experience of the pain.
  3. Get Spicy– With your cooking, that is. A number of spicy foods, including curries, include the substance curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to increase mobility in people with osteoarthritis. Try adding the spice tumeric, which contains curcumin, to your dinner regularly to reduce consistent pain.

These weird pain treatments have been shown to reduce pain levels or increase pain tolerance in a number of university studies. However, sometimes you don’t have the time to try these methods. Work these steps into your daily life, but if you don’t have time to relieve your neck pain through meditation, try a pain relief patch or other traditional form of pain treatment.

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